(below in arabic and english)
Pelo fim de todas as prisões e pela Palestina livre!
31 DEZ 16H concentrações em frente a todas as prisões
Por um 2024 em solidariedade com todes as presas!
Por um 2024 de luta anticarcerária!
Porque odiamos todas as prisões e as sociedades que delas precisam!
Em 2024 continuaremos a lutar, junto de companheires preses, das suas famílias e amigues, por um mundo sem prisões onde todes sejamos livres!
Apelamos a todas as pessoas, movimentos e organizações solidárias, e pela libertação da Palestina em Portugal à mobilização de concentrações no dia 31 de Dezembro à frente de todos os estabelecimentos prisionais portugueses em solidariedade e apoio com todas as pessoas e crianças que enfrentam e resistem à prisão! Pelo fim de todas as prisões e pela Palestina livre!
Mais um ano e nada mudou nas prisões portuguesas!
Mais um ano de famílias em luto sem respostas sobre as reais causas e responsabilidades sobre as mortes dos/as seus/suas familiares presos/as;
Mais um ano de luta por verdade e justiça das mães de Danijoy e Daniel que morreram em 2021 no estabelecimento prisional de Lisboa;
Mais um ano que companheires preses denunciam torturas, violências e negligências que enfrentam diariamente na prisão:
as mortes atrás das grades;
a fome e a má alimentação;
a falta de água e de luz recorrente em algumas prisões;
o frio no Inverno ou o calor asfixiante no Verão;
a ausência de cuidados e assistência médica;
a deterioração mental e física agravada pela prescrição e administração de grandes doses de medicamentos por psiquiatras e enfermeiras/os, com associações perigosas e que colocam em risco a vida das pessoas presas;
a sobrelotação na maioria das prisões;
o tratamento desumano, o controlo e a violência arbitrária exercidos direta ou indiretamente por guardas e profissionais dos serviços de educação, de saúde, de reinserção social e de justiça;
a negligência, desvalorização, recriminação, infantilização, censura de correspondência, provocações, ameaças, agressões físicas e verbais, discriminação sexista, homolesbotransfóbica e racista, assédio, coação e violência sexual;
os múltiplos castigos e torturas no dia-a-dia na prisão, e o isolamento atroz durante mais de 22h e por períodos intermináveis no manco, nas prisões e secções de alta segurança, ou na cela;
as corrupções e tráficos de influência, de droga e telemóveis com a participação, colaboração e conivência de profissionais do sistema prisional e de justiça;
a inação de guardas e profissionais perante a violência que alimentam, reforçam, instrumentalizam e potenciam entre as pessoas presas;
o desaparecimento ou as esperas intermináveis do dinheiro que as famílias e pessoas amigas depositam;
as remunerações miseráveis do trabalho escravo a que se sujeitam para sobreviverem na prisão em condições subhumanas;
a ausência de apoio jurídico por parte de advogadas oficiosos; e @s advogados oportunistas que prometem mundos e fundos que não cumprem, em troca de quantidades astronómicas de dinheiro;
a desvalorização, discriminação, desgaste económico, físico e psicológico, os assédios, as ameaças, revistas corporais, humilhações e maus tratos que familiares, crianças e pessoas amigas de preses enfrentam por parte de diversos profissionais da prisão.
As prisões em Portugal também nos levam a refletir e agir em solidariedade com as prisões que constroem, destroem e ocupam a Palestina, e que fazem de Gaza uma prisão a céu aberto.
Ao luto das mães cujos filhos são violentados e mortos nas prisões portuguesas, deve unir-se a solidariedade e a luta com aquelas que choram os mortos por bombardeamentos, violentados por detenções administrativas e torturados nas prisões de Israel.
À luta das presas que denunciam a falta de cuidados de saúde e a retirada de filhos sem o seu consentimento nos estabelecimentos prisionais portugueses, deve unir-se a solidariedade e luta contra a morte e agravamento de doenças e saúde dos palestinos devido ao bombardeamento de hospitais e ao bloqueio imposto por Israel, que corta os sinais de vida e dignidade a populações inteiras.
Respondemos aos pedidos de solidariedade pelos palestinos estendendo a solidariedade por todas as pessoas presas num território ocupado – sejam essas prisões os muros e check points israelenses para controlar e cercear palestinos ao direito de movimento, as prisões ocupadas palestinas/os/es que lutam e resistem contra a ocupação, ou as prisões a céu aberto rodeadas pela destruição de casas, de escolas e das condições gerais que permitem a uma comunidade não só sobreviver, mas lutar por outros mundos.
Lembramos que, em 2016, foi apenas após pressão generalizada da sociedade civil que Portugal cessou a sua participação no projeto de cooperação policial com Israel, “Law Train”1, que foi criado para o aprimoramento tecnológico para as forças policiais2. É crucial continuar alerta contra este tipo de missões e cooperações, uma vez que elas têm estado envolvidas no recrudescimento de Estados policiais noutros países, como é o caso do projeto “Cop City” em Atlanta, nos EUA, que pretende transformar a floresta Weelaunee num centro de formação e treinamento para as forças policiais da cidade. Nesta conjuntura, movimentos e ativistas abolicionistas lutam simultaneamente contra a sua construção e contra o programa de cooperação que pretende obter treinamento para Departamento de Polícias de Atlanta em Israel3.
No entanto, outros laços diplomático-científicos persistem entre Portugal e Israel, e persistem laços económicos dos quais Portugal participa no contexto da União Europeia, legitimando as suas políticas e projetos de ocupação4. Neste sentido, a abolição prisional constrói-se como um projeto de abolição da ocupação colonial da terra e dos corpos, e de luta contra as detenções e torturas generalizadas que ocorrem há séculos na Palestina ocupada. Ao internacionalismo imperialista forjado em laços diplomáticos, científicos, policiais e militares com Israel ao redor do mundo, respondemos com o internacionalismo abolicionista que é solidário contra todas as formas de ocupação, aprisionamento e morte prematura que impossibilitam uma Palestina Livre.
Como escreve Angela Davis, assim como a luta pelo fim do apartheid sul-africano foi encampada por pessoas do mundo todo e incorporada a muitas agendas de justiça social, a solidariedade com a Palestina deve ser igualmente adotada pelas organizações e pelos movimentos que se dedicam às causas progressistas mundo afora. (…) se falamos em abolir o complexo industrial-prisional, devemos falar também em abolir o apartheid e colocar um fim à ocupação na Palestina!
1Portugal abandona projeto de cooperação policial com Israel (2016, 23 de agosto). Esquerda.net. https://www.esquerda.net/en/node/44171?page=8
2Organizações reclamam fim de cooperação policial entre Portugal e Israel (2016, 23 de junho). Esquerda.net. https://www.esquerda.net/…/organizacoes-reclamam…/43360
3Atlanta students rally against police training in Israel, suppression of campus activism (2023, 12 de novembro). Mondoweiss. https://mondoweiss.net/…/atlanta-students-rally…/
4Cooperação entre Portugal e Israel. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. https://www.fct.pt/…/cooperacao-entre-portugal-e-israel/Israel. Relações Bilaterais. Portal Diplomático. https://portaldiplomatico.mne.gov.pt/…/paises-geral/israel
من أجل إنهاء كافة السجون و من أجل فلسطين حرة!
31 ديسمبر، الساعة 4 مساءً: تجمعات أمام جميع السجون!
في سبيل نهاية كل السجون! وفلسطين حرة!
تضامنا مع جميع السجناء!
نضالا ضد السجون! نكره كل السجون والمجتمعات التي تحتاجها! في 2024، سنواصل النضال جنبًا إلى جنب مع زملائنا السجناء وعائلاتهم وأصدقائهم، من أجل عالم خالٍ من السجون حيث نكون جميعًا أحرارًا! ندعو جميع الأفراد والحركات والمنظمات التضامنية، وندعو إلى التحرك وتنظيم تجمعات في 31 ديسمبر أمام كافة المؤسسات السجنية البرتغالية، تضامنًا ودعمًا لجميع الأشخاص والأطفال الذين يواجهون ويقاومون السجن! من أجل نهاية كل السجون وفلسطين حرة!
عام آخر ولا تغيير في السجون البرتغالية! عام آخر من العائلات في الحداد دون إجابات حول الأسباب والمسؤوليات لوفاة أفراد أسرهم في السجون؛ عام آخر من النضال من أجل الحقيقة والعدالة لأمهات دانيجوي ودانيال اللتين توفيا في 2021 في سجن لشبونة؛ عام آخر يشهد على شكاوى السجناء المتعرضين للتعذيب والعنف والإهمال يوميًّا في السجن:
الوفيات خلف القضبان؛
الجوع وسوء التغذية؛
انقطاع المياه والكهرباء المتكرر في بعض السجون؛
البرد في الشتاء أو الحر اللافح في الصيف؛
غياب الرعاية الطبية والصحية؛
التدهور النفسي والجسدي بسبب جرعات الأدوية التي يوصفها أطباء نفسيين وممرضين، مع تعريض حياة السجناء للخطر؛
ازدحام في معظم السجون؛
المعاملة اللاإنسانية، والسيطرة والعنف التعسفي من قبل الحراس والمحترفين في خدمات التعليم والصحة والإعادة الاجتماعية والعدالة؛
الإهمال، التهميش، الاتهامات، و والرقابة على المراسلات، والاستفزازات، والتهديدات، والاعتداءات الجسدية واللفظية، والتمييز الجنسي، والتمييز ضد المثليين والمثليات والمتحولين جنسيًا، والتحرش، والإكراه، والعنف الجنسي؛
العقوبات والتعذيب اليومي في السجن، والعزل المروع لأكثر من 22 ساعة في المانكو أو الأقسام المشددة أو في الزنازين؛
الفساد وتجارة النفوذ والمخدرات والهواتف المحمولة بمشاركة وتعاون وتواطؤ محترفين من النظام السجني والعدالة؛
التقاعس من قبل الحراس والمحترفين أمام العنف الذي يثير، ويعزز، ويستغل، ويشجع بين السجناء؛
اختفاء الأموال التي يقوم الأهل والأصدقاء بإيداعها أو الانتظار لفترات طويلة؛
الأجور المزرية للعمل الرقابي الذي يتحملونه للبقاء في السجن في ظروف غير إنسانية؛
نقص الدعم القانوني من المحامين المعينين، والمحامين الاستغلاليين الذين يعدون بأمور لا يفيون بها، مقابل مبالغ مالية هائلة؛
تقليل القيمة والتمييز والإرهاق الاقتصادي والجسدي والنفسي والمضايقات والتهديدات والتفتيش الجسدي والإذلال وسوء المعاملة الذي يتعرض له أفراد أسر وأطفال وأصدقاء السجناء من خلال مختلف العاملين في السجون. تذكير بأن البرتغال لم تتوقف عن مشاركتها في مشروع التعاون الشرطي مع إسرائيل، “Law Train”، إلا بعد ضغوط واسعة من المجتمع المدني في 2016، حيث تم إنشاء المشروع من أجل التحسين التكنولوجي لقوات الشرطة. من الأهمية بمكان أن نظل في حالة تأهب ضد هذا النوع من المشاريع والتعاون، حيث شاركت البرتغال في عودة ظهور الدول البوليسية في بلدان أخرى، كما هو الحال الآن.
Down with the walls of all prisons!
For a 2024 in solidarity with all women prisoners!
For a 2024 of anti-prison struggle! Because we hate all prisons and the societies that need them!
In 2024, we will continue to fight, together with fellow prisoners, their families and friends, for a world without prisons where we are all free!
We call on all people, movements, organisations, in solidarity and organisations for the liberation of Palestine in Portugal to mobilise in demonstrations on December 31 in front of all Portuguese prisons in solidarity and support of all the people and children who face and resist imprisonment! For an end to all prisons and a free Palestine!
Another year, and nothing has changed in Portuguese prisons!
Another year of grieving families without answers about the real causes and responsibilities for the deaths of their imprisoned relatives;
Another year of fighting for truth and justice for the mothers of Danijoy and Daniel, who died in 2021 in Lisbon prison;
Another year of fellow prisoners denouncing the torture, violence and neglect they face every day in prison:
deaths behind bars;
hunger and malnutrition;
the recurrent lack of water and electricity in some prisons;
the cold in winter or the suffocating heat in summer;
the lack of medical care and assistance;
mental and physical deterioration aggravated by the prescription and administration of large doses of medication by psychiatrists and nurses, with dangerous associations that put prisoners’ lives at risk;
overcrowding in most prisons;
the inhuman treatment, the control and the arbitrary violence exercised directly or indirectly by guards and professionals from the education, health, social reintegration, and justice services;
the neglect, devaluation, recrimination, infantilisation, mail censorship, provocation, threats, physical and verbal aggressions, sexist, homophobic and racist discrimination, harassment, coercion, and sexual violence;
the daily multiple punishments and torture in prison, and the atrocious isolation for more than 22 hours daily and for endless periods in solitary confinement, in prisons and high-security sections, or in cells;
corruption, influence peddling, and drugs and mobile phone trafficking with the participation, collaboration and collusion of professionals in the prison and justice system;
the inaction of guards and professionals towards violence that they feed, reinforce, instrumentalise and promote among prisoners;
the disappearance or unending waits for the money deposited by families and friends;
the miserable pay for the slave labour to which they are subjected to survive in prison in subhuman conditions;
the lack of legal support from officially-appointed lawyers, and the opportunistic lawyers who promise the world in exchange for astronomical amounts of money but do not deliver;
the devaluation, discrimination, economic, physical, and psychological exhaustion, harassment, threats, body searches, humiliation, and mistreatment that the prisoners’ family members, children and friends face from various prison professionals.
The prisons in Portugal also make us reflect upon and act in solidarity with the jails that build, destroy, and occupy Palestine and that turn Gaza into an open-air prison.
The mourning of mothers whose children are violated and killed in Portuguese prisons must be joined by the solidarity and struggle of those who mourn the ones killed in bombings, violated in administrative detentions, and tortured in Israeli prisons.
The struggle of women prisoners in Portuguese prisons who denounce the lack of health care and the removal of their children without their consent must be joined by the solidarity and struggle against the death and worsening of illnesses and health of Palestinians due to the bombardment of hospitals and the blockade imposed by Israel, which cuts off signs of life and dignity for entire populations.
We respond to calls for solidarity with Palestinians by extending solidarity to all people imprisoned in the occupied territory – whether those prisons are the Israeli walls and checkpoints to control and restrict Palestinians’ right to movement, the occupied Palestinian prisons fighting and resisting the occupation, or the open-air prisons surrounded by the destruction of homes, schools and the general conditions that allow a community not only to survive but to fight for other worlds.
Let us remember that, in 2016, it was only after widespread pressure from civil society that Portugal ceased its participation in the police cooperation project with Israel, “Law Train”1, which was created to improve technology for police forces2. It is crucial to remain vigilant against these types of missions and cooperation, which have been involved in the resurgence of police states in other countries, as is the case of the “Cop City” project in Atlanta, USA, which aims to transform the Weelaunee Forest into a training centre for the city’s police forces. At this juncture, abolitionist movements and activists are simultaneously fighting its construction and the cooperation programme that aims to get training for the Atlanta Police Department in Israel3.
However, other diplomatic-scientific ties persist between Portugal and Israel, and economic ones in which Portugal participates in the context of the European Union, legitimising its occupation policies and projects4. In this sense, prison abolition is constructed as a project to abolish the colonial occupation of land and bodies and to fight against the widespread arrests and torture that have been taking place for centuries in occupied Palestine. To the imperialist internationalism forged in diplomatic, scientific, police and military ties with Israel around the world, we respond with abolitionist internationalism that stands in solidarity against all forms of occupation, imprisonment and premature death that make a Free Palestine impossible.
As Angela Davis writes: “Just as the struggle to end South African apartheid was embraced by people all over the world and was incorporated into many social justice agendas, solidarity with Palestine must likewise be taken up by organisations and movements involved in progressive causes all over the world. (…) And so, if we say, as we do, abolish the prison industrial complex, we should also say abolish apartheid. And end the occupation of Palestine!”
1 Portugal abandons police cooperation project with Israel (2016, August 23). Esquerda.net. https://www.esquerda.net/en/node/44171?page=8 2 Organisations call for an end to police cooperation between Portugal and Israel (2016, June 23). Esquerda.net. https://www.esquerda.net/…/organizacoes-reclamam…/43360 3 Atlanta students rally against police training in Israel, suppression of campus activism (2023, November 12). Mondoweiss. https://mondoweiss.net/…/atlanta-students-rally…/ 4 Cooperation between Portugal and Israel. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. https://www.fct.pt/…/cooperacao-entre-portugal-e-israel/ Israel. Bilateral Relations. Diplomatic Portal. https://portaldiplomatico.mne.gov.pt/…/pais